Dam 3




Verwelius Projectontwikkeling






Residential, Commercial plinth, Offices

Photos: Mathieu van Ek

Dam 3

After the transformation of the former Verwelius office building, which was designed by Cees Dam in 1991, Dam 3 is a revived residential building with luxury apartments overlooking the Dam, the place where Amsterdam originated.

The building has a traditional façade distribution in a plinth, a central part and a crown. The plinth is finished with beige granite, the burned processing of the material gives the plinth a robust appearance. The upper layers of the building are made of beige natural stone.

With this layering and distinction in materialization, the difference in functions and use is visible; the plinth is accessible from the square as a restaurant and office spaces are situated on the first floor. The apartments are located on the floors above, with a recognizable and prominent entrance on Dam Square.

The building is subdivided by applying vertical incision and the placing of bay windows in de façade, expressing the scale of the building and connecting it to the scale of the square and the other buildings around the Dam. In the detailing of the façade openings and -outlines, the verticality and stratification are emphasized by the gradual termination (explorations) of the façade cladding.

The commonality in material and colour use of the bay windows and the upper layers creates a cohesion and natural connection between the various building parts and layers.

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