september 2024

vacature HR stagiair(e)

Dam & Partners Architecten is een gerenommeerd architectenbureau waarin betrokkenheid, vrijheid en comfort de kern vormen van ons werk. Ons portfolio omvat een breed scala aan projecten die verschillen in zowel aard als schaal: van complexe stedelijke ontwikkelingen, theaters, gemeentehuizen en hotels tot luxe woongebouwen en villa’s, interieurs en meubels. wat ga je doen als […]

vacature HR stagiair(e) Meer lezen »

How to strategically approach densification in a historic city?

Join Senior Architect Haakon Brouwer at the CTBUH International Conference in London, where he will speak about the integration of modern developments within historic urban contexts, focusing on the Schipholweg project in Haarlem. Haarlem, renowned for its well-preserved architectural heritage, faces a significant divide between its historic center and the post-war satellite city of Schalkwijk,

How to strategically approach densification in a historic city? Meer lezen »

Visit UK Suppliers for Our Next Interior Project

As part of an upcoming interior design project, the team visited our trusted supplier in the UK. Their wool blends offer an exceptional quality and craftsmanship that is truly unique. By directly engaging in the production process, they were able to create custom samples on the spot, perfectly tailored to the specific needs of our project.

Visit UK Suppliers for Our Next Interior Project Meer lezen »

Meet project Boegbeeld: a refined and nautical design at the NDSM-wharf

The project, consisting of commercial space and 169 residential units, is part of the broader transformation of the former shipyard to a vibrant mixed-use urban area. The sale of 79 free sector units will start at the end of the year. One of the architects, Laurens Kaatee, explains: “We aimed to infuse Boegbeeld with an

Meet project Boegbeeld: a refined and nautical design at the NDSM-wharf Meer lezen »